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Uses for Vinyl

Vinyl lettering is the latest trend in home decor! Vinyl is an easy-to-remove, self-adhesive film that can be hung most anywhere -- at home, in places of worship, at the office, on the car, or in the school. Vinyl can be hung not only on walls, but placed on refrigerators, windows, doors, cabinets, shelves, lockers, cars, books, tiles, smooth metal, plastic, the glass in your favorite photo frames, and on limitless other surfaces that personalize your living space.


Vinyl creatively transforms your favorite quotes, scriptures, thoughts, and sayings into wall art that looks professionally hand-painted and applied without the time, cost, and mess. The pre-spaced, one-time-use letters and images, cut to perfection through computer technology, press onto any smooth surface and stay there until easily removed.


Vinyl can be used on a multitude of surfaces, provided the surface is clean, dry, and basically flat. There are some paints, glazes, wallpapers, and finishes that won't hold vinyl well, so make sure you try a sample before you begin a project. Also, remember that glass and mirrors aren't as forgiving as other surfaces, so be extra careful when you're laying the vinyl. Using a glaze or a finishing product on top of the finished vinyl gives a different look to your project, but it is not necessary.  We suggest that you avoid all aerosol (spray) topcoats; they cause your vinyl letters to curl upward.

Besides the finished walls of a home, vinyl can be placed on most finished woods (ie. painted, crackled, sanded, stained), cabinet doors, old windows, picture frames, glass blocks, mirrors, shadowbox pictures, tiles (even in the shower!), lockers, doors, decorative plates ... to name a few. The effects are visually stunning!

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